The most popular question in the orthopedic department is where does the crackling noise from the knee come from? If anyone wants to know the detailed description, come and read it.
Causes of cracking sound in the knee
- Air bubble
Dr. Kriengsak Lek Krua Suwan Doctor who specializes in orthopedics According to World Medical Hospital (WMC), air bubbles are the most common cause. Because of the air bubbles that occur in the fluid that nourishes the knee joint during the movement of the joint Rapidly increasing and decreasing pressure in the joint This will cause air bubbles to form inside the knee joint. (which consists of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide) after the bubbles are formed, the joints are moved. Air bubbles attempt to infiltrate the outer synovial membrane. It was this rhythm that caused the “clap” sound, also known as “pop sound”, which occurred in this manner. It looks dangerous but is it really? then is that sound It is safe and does not cause any harm. Even less on the knee joint http://ufabet999.com
- worn knee surface or starting to have osteoarthritis
Cartilage is an important part of the knee joint. The thickness of the cartilage is similar to that of a car tire. when used continuously Cartilage will continue to wear away as well if an accident occurs in the knee joint. Cartilage will be injured and worn faster than usual. It is like a tire that has been nailed down. Worn or injured cartilage is prone to malfunction. As a result, when we move our knee joints, we can make a “clap-clap” sound .
torn knee pillow
The knee disc is a tissue that absorbs the impact on the knee joint. If there is a tear of the intervertebral discs, either from sports, accidents or deterioration from increasing age Patients may experience swelling, joint pain, or noise when moving the knee joint. In case of acute knee herniation if properly treated These symptoms can improve within 1 week . There is a chance of making a “clap-clap” sound while moving the knee joint .
- Fractured knee joint or patella
This cause is very easy to diagnose. Because patients often have a history of accidents causing fractures in the knee joints. Some people are treated with a splint. Some were treated by surgery. After the bones are joined together, there is a chance that a “clap-clap” sound can occur in the knee joint. because the bones may not be as smooth as before
- Plica syndrome
the presence of tissue in the knee joint May interfere with the movement or flexion of the knee joint. The tissues are located in four locations in the knee joint. For some people, the tissue in the inner knee joint is thicker or wider than normal. It inserts into the area under the patella, causing a “clap-cracking” sound or pain when bending the knee or stepping down stairs.
Each cause of “clap-clap” sound has different treatment methods. Diagnosing the exact cause of the noise is therefore the “most important starting point” so that the patient can continue to receive proper treatment.